Plata Bon Jovi

Rok bend
Rojen: 1983, New Jersey, United States
  • Godišnje: RSD4,111,424,854
  • Mesečno: RSD342,618,738
  • Nedeljno: RSD79,065,863
  • Dnevno: RSD15,813,173
Bon Jovi

From the moment you arrived on this page, Bon Jovi has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Џон Бон Џови амерички је музичар, пјевач, текстописац, композитор и глумац, најпознатији као вођа рок групе Бон Џови.

Wikipedia page about Џон Бон Џови

Earnings overview per year:
Rock Celebrities Oct 2022: The singer earns at least $11 million yearly from live concerts. However, music has never been the singer’s only source of income.
Forbes May 2020: $ 38 million
Pollstart Dec 2018: $1,503,501
Forbes June 2017: $35.5 million
Forbes Dec. 2014: $82 million
Billboard March 2014: $29,436,801.04
Forbes June 2013: $79 million
Forbes May 2012: $60 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2022-10
